The Mother's Flowers

Simple way to get money

Naran S Balakumar

Don’t visualize to get money. Visualize to give money.

If we observe this method, there is always prosperity. There is abundance always. Happiness is for all.

Affirm, “Thank you Mother, for opening us to the love, beauty and grace of this “CANNONBALL (Nagalinga)” flower.

This flower energizes, activates our heart [give] and throat [surrender] chakras simultaneously.

Let all of us keep this picture with us.


To avoid doubt and confusion

Naran S Balakumar

Spirit is always free and in search of truth.

When there is confusion, think about WHITE HIBISCUS, become that flower affirming, “Let me align with the divine will”.

Then take any course of action. After taking the action, do not doubt that.

Doubt and Confusion happens when we deviate from surrender.


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