A girl after she got married and moved to her husband’s house, very often she phoned up her mother asking for suggestions concerning how to handle her in-laws.

In no way she could mingle with her in-laws.

In addition, she will complain about them to her parents. She compared her husband’s actions with her father’s and pointed out the differences between them.

She developed a lower back pain. Lower back means place of support. There is no pain while sitting or lying. There is pain only while walking.

The body says “you are secured here. By your behaviour don’t spoil your place in your new family. Adjust yourself to fit in here. This is your place of security.”

Soon after her marriage, the girl developed a feeling of being forsaken as she was away from her parents.  She felt insecure and lonely without her father around.

A sense of incapacity had set inside her. She was resisting changing and adjusting to the new environment and thus a new phase of her life.

One dose of Bach Flower Remedy WALNUT and CHICORY cured her pain. Within one month, she acclimatized to the new environment.

Change is the order of life. Accept it.