Posts tagged area

Key to Find Lost Items

Dee Pra

This is a feedback on using a time tested method of Naran S Balakumar for lost/found item(s).

Last week, a colleague at work within a span of one and half hour saw the cabin room keys were missing from the table where it was kept.

As it was quite early, people who had access was narrow but it was also a sensitive issue to take up before being sure.

Also, due to some construction work quite a few outside laborers and other students etc were moving in the area.

Chanting “REACH” and “FIND” all day was of no avail.

For weekend the security duplicate was used.

This morning, I wrote on a paper, “CERATO, CHESTNUT BUD, ROCK WATER, REACH cabin keys” and asked Wolf (who else?) to help.

In less than an hour, the head called and said that there is a set of keys found by the electrician and asking for verification if it was the one that was lost? It was indeed!

The staff electrician said some student found it fallen in corridor. How and when etc no idea as it was also a Sunday Yesterday.

The person who took it with the purpose of making a duplicate set was a possibility. However, the matter was not pursued further!

Due to the divine flower remedies the matter did not take any serious turn and one more instance of amazing results in managing life problems!

Divine thanks to Naran, his methods as well as his students and followers who encourage others with their experiences and stories!

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Increase Your Energy Levels


All over the world, everyone understands the existence of energy and the need of energy. 

A person to move from Anna Nagar to T. Nagar needs energy. Energy is available within us.

Energy can be Increased or Decreased

Within us, how are our energy levels are increased or decreased?

It depends on how we react to our life situations. If we are happy then energy will be in plenty. If not then that means we will have little energy.

Until our death energy is present. When somebody is dead we say Prana is not there.

We check their breath to find that out. Prana and breath are connected. They are not one and the same. Breath is in the body.

Body needs energy to carry on and that’s called as Prana or Reiki. Prana is increased or decreased by our minds.

Thanks to Reiki, people have found that we could manipulate the universal energy for the highest good of everybody concerned.

Reiki is…

  • Powerful and very subtle
  • All organs are working in coordination with the universal energy that’s Reiki.
  • Reiki is extending love and light to the cells of the body.
  • Wherever there is less energy we energise that area. We don’t do more than that.

Body, Mind and Prana are Interrelated

To sustain the physical body, we need food – healthy food. Our body grows if we are taking sufficiently good food. Then we are healthy.

After digestion is over everything is converted to oxygen and behind oxygen is Prana (so it increases too). They are bound to each other.

So, we should eat oxygen- rich food. If so, we will be healthy.

Unfortunately the food we eat doesn’t contain enough oxygen, thanks to environmental pollution.

I read in the newspaper, Apples that we import from Fiji and Washington contain nothing but carbon dioxide. When they are transported by airplanes, I believe they are infused with carbon dioxide.

Therefore, preferably we take seasonal fruits that are locally available. Even they are not grown properly these days.

Yet, we still manage to live because we have enough Prana to sustain us. If Prana is maintained well, health will be maintained too.

Read the next part of the article ‘How Mind Affects Our Prana”:

Quick Formula Healing


This is common for both Self-Reiki and Healing Others.

Draw the symbols: On the problem area, Nearest related chakra, Solar plexus Chakra and 3rd eye Chakra.

Healing Knee – example one

Let us say you have pain on the right knee.

Give Reiki as follows: to Knee (the part that is suffering), to Basic Chakra (the nearest and related chakra to the part), to Solar Plexus Chakra and to Third eye Chakra.

Let us say your spouse has diabetes. Then write the name of the person, and the words Liver, Solar plexus and Third eye on a piece of paper and give Reiki to it.

Healing Eyes Swelling – example two

Give Reiki as follows: over your eyes (the part that is suffering), to Third Eye Chakra (the nearest related chakra to the part), to Solar Plexus, and again to the Third Eye Chakra


Fever: give Reiki to whole body, especially back of the head, on the back of the head behind your mouth.

For any issues with Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT): the nearest chakra is throat Chakra

Eyes: Third Eye Chakra, Solar plexus Chakra and Third Eye again

For Healing Others

Take a toy, decide some part of the toy as the part of your friend, and give Reiki to it.

On left hand, visualize as though you are bringing each organ, give it Reiki, after healing, affirm, “Organ go back to your place of my friend”.

On paper write the problem and heal it with Reiki. For example, if your friend has leg pain, write the affirmation, “His leg pain has totally healed”. Thus, write it as though it has happened.

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Goals Achievement through Reiki Part II:

My husband stopped drinking


Raji: I am married for 8 years. I have a daughter who is 7yrs old. When I became pregnant, I got separated from my husband.

Naran: Are you still separated?

Raji: No. We are living together for the last one year.

Naran: What is your problem since you had been together?

Raji: My husband is an alcoholic. Once in 3 or 4 days, he gets drunk as well as daily consuming Pan Parag (a tobacco product).

Naran: Since how long he has been an alcoholic?

Raji: According to my in laws he started drinking from his graduation days.

Naran: Explain his behavior after he gets drunk?

Raji: He will get angry at me and my daughter; will shout.

Naran: What does he shout about?

Raji:  He will say, “Nobody respects me. There is no respect for me even in my own house. My daughter does not respect me. My friends, my employees, and my parents don’t respect me either. I will teach all of them a lesson”.  

After the outburst, he will start weeping.

Naran’s Analysis

To be respected is the key word for ROCK WATER.

He is weeping. By losing control of himself, he weeps. Therefore, add CHERRY PLUM.

Rock Water will ultimately turn into either CHESTNUT BUD or VINE.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: How is his behavior when he is not under the influence of alcohol?

Raji: His behavior is quite normal only. He shows his love for his daughter. In fact he sincerely made efforts for our reunion.

(Naran questioned further about her husband’s profession)

Naran: What is he doing?

Raji: He is running a Screen Printing unit. But it is not doing well.

Naran: How does he manage to pay his workers and take care of the family then?

Raji: He is honest in paying out the dues. Somehow, he will manage to pay the workers first, and then gives me money once a week.

Naran’s Analysis

Honesty – ROCK WATER

When one tries to be honest, in spite of adverse circumstances, self-control is employed to the maximum in one area.

He is so self-controlled in the area of finance that he loses self-control in some other area. Thus when he drinks, he loses his control and starts weeping.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: Suppose if he can’t pay his dues, then how does he manage?

Raji: Naran, one more thing, I have forgotten to tell you. Every month before paying the rent, he would abscond.

Naran: Why?

Raji: He cannot pay the house rent by first of every month. Therefore, he feels ashamed to meet the house owner. So he would not stay in the house during the first week of the month.

Instead, he would stay with his parents for 4 or 5 days, arrange for the money, and will return back home after paying the rent. He has been doing this for a long time. Though, he would never cheat anybody.

Naran’s Analysis

 Honest and at the same time an escapist. This is the case of a ROCK WATER person turning into CHESTNUT BUD character. On the due date, he would abscond (Chestnut Bud).

Key Words for Rock Water

To be respected:  Ego and pride; self control, honesty.

Self controlled, honest person expects self respect. As a principle, he would never cheat.

Here the husband doesn’t get respect. His ego is hurt when he is insulted. He loses his control when he drinks.

One more interesting point is Rock Water father will face a Cherry Plum daughter.



Put the combination in the common drinking water, so that everybody will get the healing effect.

Feedback after 15 days

Raji: From the second day onwards, he stopped Pan Parag, and after a week he has stopped drinking.

Water, trees and bird droppings

Mr. R

I need some mantra or remedy to cut a tree which is causing a lot of nuisance. Our neighbors are not allowing us to cut it. It is on the road somewhere in between our gate and neighbor’s gate.

The problem is that the dried leaves, branches and many bird droppings fall in our compound. First of all no water in our area and it becomes a problem to clean all these things.


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, ROCK ROSE, WILD ROSE” for getting water.

By all means, clean your house of the birds’ excreta, by chanting “WILLOW, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER”.

Don’t fell the tree.

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Black patches on the face

A Case History for Water Violet

Rani became sensitive to the ultraviolet rays of the sun and started developing black patches on her face.

The doctor asked her not to be exposed to the sun. Her movement is restricted because she goes out either in early mornings or after evening hours.

First time when she met me, she was given Walnut (sensitive to atmosphere). She just took it for four times and reported that she could see some improvement on her face.

I wanted to probe in further.

Naran: What would have caused this de-pigmentation?

Rani: I believe that the heavy make-up I was using might have caused the problem

Naran: Do you think there are other reasons too?

Rani:  I was using lot of turmeric on my face. I used to be called as Yellow Beauty. Probably my usage of turmeric also would have caused this.

Naran: When other people, I mean friends and relatives, enquire about your face, what would be your reply?

Rani: Do you think anybody has the guts to ask me?

Naran: Hmmm was there are any?

Rani: Only two have enquired so far.

Naran: What was your reply then?

Rani: This is the latest make-up.

(Saying this, she laughed loudly, which indicated her superiority complex.)

Naran: Why should anybody have guts to talk to you?

Rani: I am a reserved person. If anybody tries to come near me, I will snub them. Few try to come closer to me. However, I will make sure that they don’t get close to me.

Naran: Do you have any close friends?

Rani: None fits my bill. I have some friends. But I am not close to them.

Naran: How do you select your friends?

Rani: Intelligence is very important. If I say something then they should understand it immediately. If I have to repeat what I say, then they are below my standard. He will be out of my list of friends.

Even in my area, nobody is up to my level. All the houses in my locality are built in small plots. My house is the only one which is built on a two-ground plot. (Laughing loudly)

(This above expressions points to Water Violet – Superiority Complex)


WATER VIOLET: She is not allowing anybody to get close to her. Mentally, she keeps the people at a distance. Physically, by developing dark patches on her face, her body helps her to keep others at a distance.

PINE: The reason she gives for the dark patches on the face is that she had used lots of make-up materials. Blaming oneself for the problem indicates Pine.

CRAB APPLE: Make-up is the word she used often. It means that she is covering up the patches. Covering up is the key word of Crab Apple.

WALNUT: For over-sensitivity to Sun rays

Goals Achievement through Reiki Part I


How Reiki works in achieving our goal?

All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki. It works as per our intention.

As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.

Why some goals are not achieved?

Some of our intensions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled.

Why? It means the energy of those desires is very low.

Let us say we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X – 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled. So it has to be increased to make our intensions fulfilled.

How to increase the energy level behind the intensions? Give them Reiki. This will boost the energy level of them.

For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki. Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.

Affirmations and Reiki

If you say, “I want to be successful in business” then it means that there is a lack of success in business.

This area (business) is not receiving required energy either from body or mind. To make it successful, give Reiki – the universal energy to that area.

Write the goal as if it happened and give Reiki to it.

How Reiki Works Here?

I am not successful in one area of life because there is internal resistance – otherwise known as psychological reversal or internal sabotage mechanism.

When an intention is unfilled, it means it requires some more amount of energy.

Let us say we have 30 no’s of energy, while 70 is required, then the remaining energy can be generated through Reiki.

Reiki channels are successful because they work on the affirmations with lots of perseverance.

When we fail we form a belief, a self-limiting belief. We have to remove that from the mind.

We can remove it through Reiki. None of your intentions will go unfulfilled, I challenge you on this.

Read the part II of the article, “How to create affirmations and form intentions” here:

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Divine Will from Her Father


Conflict among the siblings over their parent’s property

There was a conflict among some siblings over their parental property. One of the sisters is very poor and she developed a knee problem.

Here, the message from her body is that she should not be possessive and had to give up.

Interestingly, while the sister who was very badly in need of money had the knee problem, none of her siblings have got any knee problems.

As per the will, she is getting lesser share than others. Others were getting some cash too, while she was not getting any.

She totally believed me and whatever I tell her, she was ready to follow.

I told her to accept whatever was given to her. I asked her to chant, ‘I am ready to submit myself to the Divine Will’. When she started to chant, the pain went off.

Now came the interesting climax

The area allotted for all of them was to be either in ground floor or third floor. They decided to go for the draw and in that she was allotted the third floor area.

Again, she approached me. She wept over her situation and I gave her the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (to calm her down).

In the flat opposite to hers, which was for sale, was bought by a family. There was a boy in that family who was in marriageable age.

The whole family liked this lady as well as her daughter very much. The family wanted the daughter to get married to their son.

In addition, there was no demand (dowry) from the boy’s side. They also took care of the marriage expenses. Thus, there were no expenses whatsoever for the girl’s side.

The couple now very happily settled.

Body puts us in the path created for us by divinity

So we do not know what is there in store for us by the Divine. By god’s grace she accepted whatever I told her and accepted the property given to her.

The body is nothing but the Divine. We have to accept the message it is giving and act accordingly. At each and every step it guides us.

However, we fail to understand the message. We do not how to infer the messages from the body and we never take care of the body either.

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Common solution to the housing problem


This is a general question which I think will be benefited to all. Gone through your site – all mantras, remedies are fantastic. Main thing I noted is shelter problem.

Real estate is in peak today and due to this house rent/land rate is too high which affects lower and middle classes. Living in rent in a decent area or purchasing flat and house – everything is a difficult for them.

Hence, my humble request is to suggest remedies/mantras to peak down I.e. nominal value for land and so that all will be benefitted.


Don’t go by general interpretation of anything. Each one is unique. Each problem is unique. There may be similar problems but not same.

The problem in general is high rent, peak of land or house price. But each individual, undergoing this problem will react in different ways:

“It is the world of cheats. This is a bad phase in my life”.

“I am destined to suffer”

“Prices will never come down. We can never have a peaceful life”

“I feel like bursting out”.

“Everything is going beyond limits”

“What can we do? We have to accept and move on.”

“Something may happen. Prices will come down”

“God is not helping the poor. He is by the side of the rich only”

Each will be in a different state of mind. Each will react differently and approach the problem differently. Therefore it is not good to suggest a common solution to all.

In the above situation, what is the one general advice that can be given?

One has to bear, with fortitude and courage to face any situation. If this mentality is developed and or if one is in this state of mind, things will improve.

How to cultivate this or develop this state? How to transform one’s mental state into this?

Flowers are the answer. There are four (Bach) flowers that can help anybody in the above situation:

  1. CHERRY PLUM (to bear, and endure so that our limit to earn is enhanced)
  2. ROCK ROSE (to develop fortitude -never-say-die spirit; if this is developed help will come instantly)
  3. GORSE not to lose hope at any time
  4. WILD ROSE to get motivated to move on in life

Flowers are divine. Flowers are our teachers. Life is always a learning process. We are always students.

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