Posts tagged Buying

Think of different ways to spend money

Instead of worrying about sources for money…


Kannan had 15 lakhs rupees of loan. He didn’t have any sources of income to repay the loan.

He contacted me on telephone. As it would be difficult to explain to him on the phone, on how to do the meditation, “Meeting with Mahalakshmi”, I gave him a simple technique.

  1. Mentally list out today’s expenses, say buying a tea from the local shop
  2. Visualize paying money to the tea shop owner
  3. Likewise, do the same for all the expenses that have to be met out for the day
  4. And don’t worry at all how those expenses can be met – meaning don’t anyway try to figure out how money required for those expenses can be acquired.

Initially, he found it difficult to visualize without worrying about the sources

I convinced him, that divine is the provider of money and somehow, it will provide him with money.

He did the exercise every day for the last 15 days.

Today, he called me and said that somehow he was able to meet out the expenses.

In fact, he has become so convinced about this technique that he is not worried in any sense and he feels a sense of calmness in himself.

Now he is confident, that divine will take care of wiping out his entire loan eventually without cause of any concern to those who gave him money and himself included.

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“SURYA NARAYANAM LAKSHMI NARAYANAM” is the mantra for memory, and property.

Mantra for handling financial property

Anything regarding land, selling etc. for example, one person wants to sell the land. It is his own land got it in the right manner and he has not cheated anyone. It is a 40 year old property. When he wanted to sell the same, he observed that his initial is not proper in the document.

That is, his name is R. Rajagopal but in the document it was mentioned as S. Rajagopal. He chanted the mantra.

In the Registrar Office, they did not bother. The registrar office people verified the relevant old documents and gave a letter stating that it is a typographical error.

For buying the property also you can chant this mantra so that you will buy the right property.

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Why something never happens in our lives


What’s the SECRET behind the fact that some things like “Buying My Own House” never happens?

These emotions, thoughts and desires are consciously operating. But, there’s one thing that unconsciously operates which is called as (internal) resistance.

For us, in our lives something never happens (whatever we might do). Who is responsible for that?

It’s we who are responsible for that.

I want to buy a house but I couldn’t buy it.

I want to get married but couldn’t get married. Why?

While there is some force behind “Wanting to get married”, then there is also an unconscious force that is equally operating that works towards “Not wanting to get married”. 

When two forces equally strong operate from opposite sides, then we would be stand-still.

It is like while you give a throttle to the car, you apply for brakes also. Then the car will not move from the current place.

For all matters of life, this concept can be applied.

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