Posts tagged Cards

A miracle is ready to happen

S Malini

I was writing angel number 520 prior to election. 

One person came to my house and gave three election identity cards of myself and my family members saying that ward counsellor had sent those cards to me. 

I was very happy to receive the same since I had to take leave or permission from my office to collect these cards.  The same ward counsellor denied getting these cards when I requested him.

This is a good miracle (1st time I wrote 520).

By writing 520 what is needed for us happens and we should not worry for the same.  Just keeping faith on these angel numbers will work well.


How the angel number 520 has helped Malini? Who will deliver the voter identity cards (these days)? They would have kept with them and cast the bogus votes!

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Anti-Theft Cards


I want to thank you for the Bach Flower remedy cards. Especially, I would like to talk about the THEFT CARD.

Recently, when my mom got hospitalized, she had handed over her jewelry to me. And during this running around to hospital, I kept it in a safe place and forgot.

 Later after 15 days, I tried to search for the same. But, I could not find. I was worried and thought I lost the jewelry as the maid used to clean my room every day.

However, I was confident about the THEFT card. I prayed to flowers and got a message that the jewelry was inside the house only. No one had stolen it.

I trusted the card so much that I accepted the fact that the jewelry was safe and secure. Then recently, found it in the same place, where I had searched for the same.

Anyways thanks once again for your divine guidance and blessings through disguise.

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