Posts tagged compassionate

Lalitham Sridharam


LA and LI in Lalitham activates the Basic chakra, while RUM in Sridharam activates the Solar Plexus chakra.

Meaning of Lalitham

LA and LI are Bija mantras. Lalitham means energy. It will remove karma.

As chanted in Lalitha Sahsaranamam, Lalithambigai can burn away all the previous karmas. Only a person who is the most compassionate of all (mother) can burn the karmas.

What is required inside us to burn our karmas?

We need compassion to burn our karmas. Lalitham means most compassionate mother and the compassion has made her as the most beautiful mother.

If we chant Lalitham, our capacity to love others will increase. When the heart is bubbling with love by chanting Lalitham, we can also become as beautiful as Lalitham.

Meaning of Sridharam

Sridharam means Vishnu and Vishnu is sought by Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth. It will fetch us abundance of money, happiness and comforts.

It’s not enough to chant only Sridharam. Lalitham is required to burn away all our karmas first. Sridharam then opens our eyes to abundance.

Dham will get comforts

For any Basic Chakra related problems – like back pain for example, chanting Lalitham Sridharam helps.

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When troubles pass we forget the blessings


Dear Naran,

Today, I visited your website after many days and was pleasantly surprised to see the blog back. I looked at some of old mails to you and the way you have responded in my times of need.

It is amazing!! What all experiences and times you have been there with me!!! I have confided in you at times more than anybody else in the world. How much you have given me!!! I love you!!!

I am so deeply grateful for all love and support in the face of the perpetual troubles – big and small. 

Ever since I found your blog, my life has almost invisibly and gently improved for the better. I have had many miracles, many blessings, many glorious experiences and I am so grateful for every one of them until this point.

I look forward by your blessings, the blessings of all compassionate beings, enlightened beings and gods. When troubles pass, we forget the blessings. It’s an eternal human frailty.

So, when I feel a moment of pure gratitude, I want to thank you and not leave in unsaid…god bless you!!

I look forward again to read your blogs. I wish you happiness, health and love.

Do keep your love and blessings on me and my loved ones. LOVE THANKS PRAISE DIVINE

A way to CLEAR off your debts


I came to know about your blog on Aug 15 2013. I saw one switch word combination, “MOVE ON FIND COUNT DIVINE JOB” for getting a job. I started chanting it from Aug 15 itself.

Then I sent you a mail with my job problem and you replied with “QUITE CLEAR” Mantra on 25th of Aug 2013. I chanted that too. Yes, I did chanting it, very much all the time.

Also, I used to chant Ambika Anaadhi…Mantra before interviews.  And then the magic happened. On 28 Aug I got two offers.  I have accepted one of the offers and joined the company, just 2 days back.

Your guidance has been like Divine guidance for me. I have got this job after 1.5 years. Alas, I could not find your blog before!  Thanks to You!! Also, thanks to GOD!!!

Now, I am chanting “Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram…” Mantra, since I have debt of 10 Lakhs because of my divorce settlement and unemployment.  Please advise if it’s the right mantra to clear off my debt and remain employed.


“LALITHAM SRIDHARAM, LALITHAM BASKARAM, LALITHAM SUDARSHANAM” mantra will give you light and source of good income.

Lalitham – the one mother who is so compassionate, that she will forgive all my past. Forgiving all the past she allows Sridharam (wealth), to bring money from Baskaram – the provider of wealth, and activates Sudarshnam, to continue the flow of money (after the debts are paid-off).

Bow down to the (Lalitham) Mother in reverence and chant the mantra. And when you chant this powerful mantra, chant it with all the trust in divine, without expecting anything in return. 

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