Posts tagged dancing

Within the Budget


MIMULUS is a good remedy to handle your expenses within a budget.

Any auto driver will only demand exact fare, thanks to Mimulus, as getting an auto driver to agree for a right fare is a nightmare these days, especially during the nights!

You are performing a function. You will complete the function within the specified budget, if you take MIMULUS.

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Letting go the unwanted thoughts


Wisdom Within

Chin Mudra is a good Mudra for meditation.

When your mind is not relaxed, start with this Mudra and automatically all the unwanted thoughts that is clogging the mind will go off. That is why this Mudra is called as Chin Mudra or Gyan Mudra.

There is nothing Gyan or wisdom as it is. There is no wisdom available (outside). The Mudra will remove the Agyanam (ignorance) in us. Then wisdom will come automatically.

Whenever unwanted thoughts come to you, be in this Mudra and they will get released.

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