Posts tagged Digestion

Increase Your Energy Levels


All over the world, everyone understands the existence of energy and the need of energy. 

A person to move from Anna Nagar to T. Nagar needs energy. Energy is available within us.

Energy can be Increased or Decreased

Within us, how are our energy levels are increased or decreased?

It depends on how we react to our life situations. If we are happy then energy will be in plenty. If not then that means we will have little energy.

Until our death energy is present. When somebody is dead we say Prana is not there.

We check their breath to find that out. Prana and breath are connected. They are not one and the same. Breath is in the body.

Body needs energy to carry on and that’s called as Prana or Reiki. Prana is increased or decreased by our minds.

Thanks to Reiki, people have found that we could manipulate the universal energy for the highest good of everybody concerned.

Reiki is…

  • Powerful and very subtle
  • All organs are working in coordination with the universal energy that’s Reiki.
  • Reiki is extending love and light to the cells of the body.
  • Wherever there is less energy we energise that area. We don’t do more than that.

Body, Mind and Prana are Interrelated

To sustain the physical body, we need food – healthy food. Our body grows if we are taking sufficiently good food. Then we are healthy.

After digestion is over everything is converted to oxygen and behind oxygen is Prana (so it increases too). They are bound to each other.

So, we should eat oxygen- rich food. If so, we will be healthy.

Unfortunately the food we eat doesn’t contain enough oxygen, thanks to environmental pollution.

I read in the newspaper, Apples that we import from Fiji and Washington contain nothing but carbon dioxide. When they are transported by airplanes, I believe they are infused with carbon dioxide.

Therefore, preferably we take seasonal fruits that are locally available. Even they are not grown properly these days.

Yet, we still manage to live because we have enough Prana to sustain us. If Prana is maintained well, health will be maintained too.

Read the next part of the article ‘How Mind Affects Our Prana”:

Started taking mother’s milk


1.5 months ago, I have given birth to a girl. It is a premature C-section delivery.

  1. My baby does not suck my breast nipple
  2. Problem of low milk supply in breast
  3. How to increase weight and immunity of my baby girl?




Thank you so much for the mantra and Now milk supply has increased so much.

My baby is now 2 months old.

  1. She frequently vomits and feel discomfort
  2. She always stretch her body, always feel like restless baby
  3. As she is a pre-term baby, so want her to gain weight quickly.
  4. She does not sleep in night, whole night she is awake. I have tried RESCUE REMEDY and WHITE CHESTNUT, but it didn’t seem working.
  5. How to improve quality of milk, so she develop well and have a good memory?
  6. What will help her to increase appetite, and better digestion?
  7. How to improve her complexion?


Give her WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD regularly.


The BIJA MANTRAS in the specified order will increase the breast milk in the mother. It will work like Pran Mudra (little and ring fingers touching the tip of the thumb on both the hands).

The Bach Flower remedies WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD will help the child to develop qualities needed for its growth.

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part I


The basis of Pancha Mudra Pranayama…

Pranayama helps us to reduce no of breaths per minute. As Prana should go to all parts of the body, we require Mudras.

Pancha Mudras are…

They are Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.

Chin Mudra…

When you do Chin Mudra, the Prana flows downwards. The breath goes to navel and then to legs. It’s good for lower back and for elimination.

Chin mudra

Chinmaya Mudra

This activates the Prana – Samanan, which flows from navel to throat upwardly. It is good for digestion.


Adi Mudra

It initiates the Prana called as Udanan, which flows from throat to brain.  Thinking capacity of the person improves.

Adi mudraMeru Mudra

This Mudra activates the autonomous nervous system. It stimulates the spinal cord and good for the back too.Meru mudraPoorana Mudra

By doing this Mudra, we make the Prana travel all over the body. It means which ever part of the body lacks Prana; it will be supplied by this Mudra…

poorna-mudraRelated Posts

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part III:

Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part IV:

Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part V:

Heal your body with Gem Remedies

Basic remedy for any medical complaint

Sun (Ruby)

Vitality, Blood Circulation


To retain your stamina and vigor


General tonic

Nine gems

Chakra Balancing

Nine gems will balance all chakras, harmonizes the functioning of them

Nervous weakness

Emerald, Coral


Pearl and IBGO (a combination of Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald and Pearl)

Pearl will reduce the temperature even if it seems to be rising.

Fever didn’t stop

Nine gems

After fever, a person feels dull

Recovery will be speeded up, if Ruby is taken. Even two pills will do.

Stop! Craving for food!!


Give the Bach Flower Remedy CHICORY, as greediness is expressed through food. Add it with ROCK WATER and CHERRY PLUM.

WALNUT should be taken separately.


Rock Water is prescribed for thinking, “I want to be strict with myself. I want to be self-disciplined”.

Cherry plum is for temptation and Chicory to come out of self-gratification (compensatory behavior).

Cherry Plum is added as they will feel, “I want to control my craving”.

Rock Water and Cherry plum go together, because if somebody says, “I want to control”, then they will lose their control”. 

Walnut is given to form a habit of eating properly.

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RUM for digestion, absorption and assimilation

BUM for elimination

LUM for strength and activating basic chakra

DHUM for comforts as after eating you should feel relaxed.

OM LAMBODARAM is good for digestion as it contains all the Bija Mantras as well as BUM and DHUM (mentioned above).

Lambodaram means man with a big stomach. Anything can be digested by this person. Only when you digest your food, then sugar is digested too.

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Benefits of Lalitham Bhaskaram


It’s a good coinage of mantra. If you chant them, you will get the following benefits:

There will not be any turning back life situations. Always you will move forward in life.

Like Bach Flower Remedy GENTIAN, there won’t be any regression or setbacks, whether it’s your life or your career.

Demotion and degradation affects the basic chakra. Then you become fearful. This mantra works on (balances) the BASIC CHAKRA.

Lalitham Baskaram works on the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra as well. Therefore, confidence will be built.

When a person is promoted, confidence will be built up in them. In turn, when you have confidence you will get promoted.

We will get clarity.

You can get out of any confusion.

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