Posts tagged factor

Facial Hair


What should I chant to get rid of facial hair on my whole chin?


Take the flower remedies WALNUT and CRAB APPLE.


For hormonal imbalance: WALNUT

Physical cleanser: CRAB APPLE

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Increase Your Attraction Factor:

Repair and Renew Skin after Weight Reduction

Michelle Cuevas

Please give me some switch words to chant for repairing, renewing and healing the skin like for instance scars and stretch marks.

The reason I ask is that I have lost over 50 pounds and even though I have toned up by exercising, the skin in my abdomen area is kind of loose with stretch marks.

I’ve tried creams, massages but my tummy is still not firm and with excess skin.

This is really affecting my self-esteem and I just want to feel better about myself and I really don’t want to get surgery.




To repair and renew: STAR OF BETHLEHEM

Anti-Aging: GENTIAN

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Two months without salary


It’s been two months without salary.

Company’s operations are very slow due to unavailable operating cost, shareholders are fighting, though they have assets but to liquidate them is a long process, huge pile of debts in market and nil credibility with banks.

Seems company is going to close down in near future unless DIVINE INTERVENTION takes place. I even heard they are planning to retrench 70% of staff soon.

Please advise any chanting for company’s regular business so salaries are not delayed further…




After I senta mail to you, my senior messaged me that I need to travel to Singapore to look for apartment and school for the kids.  The thing which is worrying me is I relocate and what if reaching there such delays in salary happens! How will I survive?

Sorry Naran, if it’s annoying you but being single parent Ineed to assure financial assurance for me and my kids. Besides chanting the above, do I need to chant anything else?


Continue the same.


Thanks to You and Divine light… New investors are coming in hopefully. Really wish company grows and flourish with these new changes.

Salaries are released and all pending payments are settled… Thank God!

I am so glad that my boss is now allowing me to work couple of days to work from home when he is not in town. This way I can spend more quality time with kids and I pray Divine light to help me getting some tuition for evening, as additional source of income.


Divine order is a switch word, while Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem and Chestnut Bud are Bach flower remedies.

For divine intervention: Sweet chestnut

Outside, unhelpful environment over which one has no control: Walnut 

Total break-down because of the company: Star of Bethlehem

To get free  from the bad situation: Chestnut bud 

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Permanent Job


How to get permanent in my present job?



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Addiction to drink


Treatment through Bach Flower remedies

No will power to discontinue drinking: ROCK WATER

Gives the reason for drinking by blaming his parents/ spouse: WILLOW

Says to get release from business worries, and other such problems:      AGRIMONY

Drinks if somebody offers a drink: CHICORY

Morning he promises he will give up drinking, evening he takes it: SCLERANTHUS

Can’t refuse to drink if somebody offers it: Centaury, WALNUT

To break from drinking habit – base remedy: WALNUT

Feels ashamed next day morning to face his people: ROCK WATER

Steals money to fund his drinking habit: CHESTNUT BUD

Feels guilty after he drinks: PINE

Abusive – physical and shouts at others after drinking: VINE, CHERRY PLUM

Note: One or more remedies have to be given based on the reasons cited above.

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It is truly amazing


Black Tourmaline truly is amazing!

I have just got one for myself and anytime I have aches and pains in the body and I place it on the corresponding Chakra and pain is gone within few minutes!!!

Overall too, I feel more energized with positivity, don’t feel dull especially due to the seasonal change.

 Another important thing is I have come to notice is that I feel safer and secure with my Black Tourmaline on me, like when I am driving or working late hours etc., because of its ‘Feel Good’ factor.

Now, I don’t like stepping out anywhere without my Black Tourmaline ‘Angel’. Even if I do forget it, I can immediately sense that something is amiss and I am forgetting something 🙂

Thank you Naran for the infinite Divine help!

The permanent change factor


Life is nothing but adjustment and comprise. The Bach Flower Remedy Walnut – the 21st Century Magic Pill helps you to achieve that effortlessly.

In addition, WALNUT completes any type of healing. It has a place of its own in healing arena.

In this Age of Change, it’s the Elixir of Life.

Keywords: to Change, to Move, Adjust, Circulate

Age of Change

With the key word Change, how many life situations can be addressed? Change means to become a different person based on the hour of need and to Move from one phase to another phase (Transition)

  • I am not able to change my residence. I wanted to Move closer to my office.
  • Change Into means to become.

For example, I want my son to become studious says a mother of a child. Both mother and son should take WALNUT. When we expect the change in some other person, then we are in Walnut state.

  • To change a person thoroughly, for example to come out of addiction, WALNUT is the base remedy.
  • When one is forced to frequently change jobs: WALNUT
  • When you want some diversion, when you feel bored, you need a change: WALNUT

A balanced life!!!


Your wants have to be in balance

Wherever you need harmony you can use the word TOGETHER. It is a very special switch word. It goes deep into the life of person. It stimulates the values in us.

However, most of us do not know what we want. He will be working as a temporary worker but he may want freedom. Employment and freedom cannot go together. If you want freedom and independence then you should have your own business.

However, for doing business, he needs security and so he cannot invest in business. Like this, we are always in conflict in our lives.

Some people want to earn more money, but he cannot because if earns more money, his family life may be affected and so on.

Different parts of life

For all of us a balanced life is needed. What is that?

One is personal; one unknown person is there inside all of us. I can only know myself. That is the personal life in which physical life will be there too. You cannot be healing others continuously unless you are healthy. So, physical health is one part of life.

 The second part of life is our social life and relationships. That is, relationship with others – either relationship with the family or society.

The third part is professional. 

Thus, the first part of life is physical or personal, the second part is relationships, the third part is professional and the fourth part is spiritual.

Our conflicts of interest

All these four are not balanced in any of us because our interests are in conflict with each other.

Our physical health will be good but relationships will not be good. If relationship is good, his professional life will not be good as he may not go to the office.

When you take a decision for one part of life, it may imbalance the other part of life. When you decide to go to a foreign country, you will lose your family life.

For that reason, you cannot sit at home saying that for you, your family is important and therefore you will skip work.

In the same way, when you think money is important then you have to forego your family life.

Ultimately, you are working for your health, which is lost by working hard, going at 6 am and coming back at 12 midnight.

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Growth factor


I got a really good new position this month within my company because of the reorganization (but I have not moved to the new position yet). But, today I came to know of my bonus and salary increase for last year’s performance and it was not good.

My previous manager who hired me in my post last year is no longer with the company. She promised salary hike this year as I moved from another department, but never told HR or wrote it in paper. That is the reason; my bonus and salary increase has been affected.

I spoke to my current boss about it and he said he will talk to HR and also to the head of our department to address this issue. I’m praying that they will increase it to what my old boss had promised. Is there any switch words that I can say for it?




My boss was finally able to get the pay to be half of what was promised. I’m happy and thanked him. I’m expecting my new pay by this Friday.

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Supreme Divine Order

R Mohan

Even though, many times I have heard the power of “DIVINE ORDER” from the followers of Naran, I am never a fan of it. However, I chant “DIVINE” or “FIND DIVINE” regularly. I have witnessed good results chanting them both.

For me, DIVINE is an instant tonic of happiness, while FIND DIVINE brings in happiness that I had felt during childhood – for example, meeting friends from the past after a long time or doing things like playing cricket on the road.

Recently, when I called up Naran, he shared some insights into teachings of Sri Aurobindo. At that time, he used the word “SUPREME DIVINE ORDER”.

Naran mentioned that Sri Aurobindo wants us to become supra mental beings and that’s the supreme divine order ordained to each one of us.

I was immediately hooked up to the word “SUPREME DIVINE ORDER”. I felt, Supreme Divine Order has to be switch word as it was coined by Sri Aurobindo himself.

So, I simply chanted it over the course of next few days, without asking Naran, whether it is a switch word or not, as I know Naran keeps silent on most of the things.

I implemented it in the releasing technique he recently proposed to us.

For example, when I had a conflict with one of my friends, I used it like this, “I release the part that produced the conflict. I OPEN, ALIGN and RESONATE With SUPREME DIVINE ORDER”.

I felt as per the expression of the sages from the past, ‘Be detached like the leaves of the lotus in the water pond’. I guess to keep ourselves intact in any situation Supreme Divine Order is the key.

My question to Naran is how supreme divine order is different from divine order?


There is good behind every bad incident and bad behind every good incident. Divine order helps us to sail through both, making us to learn the lessons of this lifetime.

While Supreme Divine Order, avoids both, making us to go through the right things successfully every time.

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