Posts tagged game

If What is going to happen will happen, Why to chant?


In the past, I have chanted, prayed a lot, with full faith in universal divine force. But, I was always told you can’t change anything. What is going to happen will happen? Nobody can change anything.

I still have faith and trust. However, I always had a question in mind then why do we pray and chant the mantras if they are not going to bring positivity to the concerned situation?

Is it fear of something negative happening to us and our family, which brings us, back again to chanting and praying?


You cannot always get what you want. Sometimes, you can get what you don’t want. These are two life rules, which we have to accept.

It is the mind which plays the game. If something does not happen, we wallow; if something happens, we elate. How long is this elation?

After some time, we need something else and again mental emotional drama begins. It is because we attach importance to the result only and not to the action.

If the action is done, and the result is surrendered, you will remain peaceful always.

Ultimately, what we want in life is either peace or happiness. To get happiness or peace is the aim of all.

Surrendering the result to the hands of Divine only can give you peace or happiness.  Chanting or healing aims at changing the mind to accept what is happening.

Best of luck!!

Why to chant when everything is destined


In the past, I have chanted, prayed a lot, with full faith in universal divine force.

But, I was always told you can’t change anything. What is going to happen will happen? Nobody can change anything.

I still have faith and trust. However, I always had a question in mind then why do we pray and chant the mantras if they are not going to bring positivity to the concerned situation?

Is it fear of something negative happening to us and our family, which brings us back again to chanting and praying?


You cannot always get what you want. Sometimes, you can get what you don’t want. These are two life rules, which we have to accept.

It is the mind which plays the game. If something does not happen, we wallow; if something happens, we elate. How long is this elation?

After some time, we need something else and again mental emotional drama begins.

It is because we attach importance to the result only and not to the action.

If the action is done, and the result is surrendered, you will remain peaceful always. Ultimately, what we want in life is either peace or happiness. To get happiness or peace is the aim of all.

Surrendering the result to the hands of Divine only can give you peace or happiness.  Chanting or healing, aims at changing the mind, to accept what is happening.

Best of luck!!

Play life like a game


You should play life as a game – as Lord Krishna did.

How can you do that?

Activate his resource by tapping it (EFT). Affirm, “I choose to see life as a game as Lord Krishna has seen it”.

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Don’t worry about your future


How can we give up thinking about future? As we see so many broken and unhappy marriage in my surrounding this kind of fear comes.


When a thought comes, check the mind saying if this thought gives me fear, why don’t I release this?

Can I release this?

Just say, “I let go this thought which gives me fear”.

You can also ask another question, “What thought gives fearlessness”.

Come with as many thoughts as possible.

When a thought that gives you safety or trust appears, welcome it and release it.

It is a game! Play!

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