Posts tagged ground

Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part II


Procedure to do the Mudras

Doing the Mudras

Except for Poorana Mudra, for all other Mudras keep your hands on the lap. For Poorana Mudra, keep them touching the navel.

They have to be performed in the order listed. The duration has to be same for all the mudras.

One has to sit erect, either in a chair or on the ground in a yogic posture of your liking or simply squatting. Idea is to keep your spine erect while doing the Pancha Mudras.

These mudras activate five different types of Prana in our body namely – Prana, Apanan, Vyanan, Udanan & Samanan.

Follow this Breathing Technique

Do all the Pancha Mudras in the order of Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.

While doing the Mudra, do Pranayama following the counts:  –

 Inhale: 4, Hold: 1, Exhale: 5 Hold: 2.

This will be considered to be one round. Do 7 rounds of breathing for each Mudra.

It will take totally a maximum of 7 to 9 minutes

Compulsorily do it every day

Give 15 minutes gap after tea and 30 minutes gap after food.

Breathing helps…

Breathing is connected with both Pranic Body as well as Mental Body. The Pranayama heals the Pranic body and makes oxygen available to our bodies.

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part V:

Divine Will from Her Father


Conflict among the siblings over their parent’s property

There was a conflict among some siblings over their parental property. One of the sisters is very poor and she developed a knee problem.

Here, the message from her body is that she should not be possessive and had to give up.

Interestingly, while the sister who was very badly in need of money had the knee problem, none of her siblings have got any knee problems.

As per the will, she is getting lesser share than others. Others were getting some cash too, while she was not getting any.

She totally believed me and whatever I tell her, she was ready to follow.

I told her to accept whatever was given to her. I asked her to chant, ‘I am ready to submit myself to the Divine Will’. When she started to chant, the pain went off.

Now came the interesting climax

The area allotted for all of them was to be either in ground floor or third floor. They decided to go for the draw and in that she was allotted the third floor area.

Again, she approached me. She wept over her situation and I gave her the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (to calm her down).

In the flat opposite to hers, which was for sale, was bought by a family. There was a boy in that family who was in marriageable age.

The whole family liked this lady as well as her daughter very much. The family wanted the daughter to get married to their son.

In addition, there was no demand (dowry) from the boy’s side. They also took care of the marriage expenses. Thus, there were no expenses whatsoever for the girl’s side.

The couple now very happily settled.

Body puts us in the path created for us by divinity

So we do not know what is there in store for us by the Divine. By god’s grace she accepted whatever I told her and accepted the property given to her.

The body is nothing but the Divine. We have to accept the message it is giving and act accordingly. At each and every step it guides us.

However, we fail to understand the message. We do not how to infer the messages from the body and we never take care of the body either.

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Don’t fell trees! They are our blessings!!

We have left one of our flats for rents. It has one mango tree and another one a coconut tree. In the past, the coconuts have fallen down and broke the windows, thought nobody got hurt. We are worried now that it may hurt the tenant.

We are wondering whether to cut the trees or to put a shed. If we put the shed, then there will be less visibility and air. However, we don’t want the cut the trees, which had been there with us for more than 35 years.


Trees are our life. It provides not just air, but keeps the ground in one place, providing stability of land. Because, so much trees are felled these days, we get earth quakes, Tsunamis and floods as nature is trying to correct the imbalances created by human beings.

In addition, never a coconut will fall directly over a human being, while the dried trunks might fall on us. Arrange a person to remove these trunks once in three months or so.

Trees are our blessings from god. Don’t fell it.

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