Posts tagged invite

Good marriage proposals


Could you please suggest some effective remedies to get married as soon as possible? So that can I get some good proposals, which should go ahead quickly?


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, WALNUT, OAK, HORNBEAM” daily 100 times.

Thank the divine in advance as marriages are made in heaven – “TOGETHER I thank the divine for getting me a life partner NOW DONE”.

Write that affirmation in a notebook, daily 21 times.

In addition, look at the Power Life Symbol 54 and chant the switch words “TOGETHER DIVINE INVITE LOVE” associated with the symbol, as many times as you can.

Someone needs food from you

Message from Animal Spirit Guide Pigeon

If one hears only sound of pigeons and not see the pigeons it is the call of the ancestors and he has to think of his ancestors and feed somebody.


The pigeon came again. This time it was the very first thing I saw when I woke up. It was very dark and did not move for a while. Made no sound. Is it the same meaning?


Yes. There is someone who needs food from your hand.


You have told me before and I prepared food for my family. I am not sure who to give to now as I live far. I want to do the right thing.


Then invite a friend (who has not visited you) for lunch or dinner.

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Messages from Animal Spirit Guides:

I am the victim! I am the villain!!

R Mohan

Five years back you told me that we invite people who mirror us. Specifically you said the people around me are in PINE state (low self-esteem, guilty), because I am in the same state.

Recently I observed, I create a scare in the people around me (MIMULUS). So I chanted MIMULUS and the opposite states (the opposite person who will create Mimulus) of it – HOLLY and VINE.

Immediately, I felt very happy. My question to you is, how did MIMULUS make me happy?


The positive aspect of Mimulus is sympathy. That’s why I suggested Mimulus. The Holly and Vine persons will kindle fear in others. By taking Mimulus, you turn the Holly, loving and sympathetic.

In the same way, when you chanted Mimulus, you become sympathetic to the different parts inside yourself namely, the part of HOLLY and the part of VINE. So, in turn you felt relieved and happy.

Several years back, I suggested you to take Mimulus when you were fearful to buy a property. The same fear is still inside you, which is normal.

Just take MIMULUS for the next few days, to be sympathetic, which comes from higher state of love that believes in co-existence.

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There are no accidents only incidents


I had an accident five years back. It was not a major accident. These days whenever I drive on the road, I am afraid that I might meet with an accident again.


Release all your current fears about accidents.

Release all your emotions attached with your accident that happened in the past.

Was there are any advantages of having that accident?  It might sound cruel, but we do invite those accidents as there are some benefits attached to that accident.


No, that was my first accident and your last question was interesting. I did take off from work for two months and I really did enjoy it, as I was not happy with the management then.


Ok, maybe you didn’t have an accident. Any incident happened that gave you the same advantages of taking leave or avoiding a situation you didn’t like.

If nothing comes to the memory, go back 12 years from now. Check whether you had any major incidents in your life that made you take a long leave. If there are none, then go back 18 years or 30 years before your accident.


I remember now. I was doing my graduation in Physics. I had problems with HOD (again issues with the management). While playing Hockey, I slipped and broke my left-hand. Interestingly, I took after a leave of two months then.


Put the emotions of your college incident in the triangle. Did any of your parents have met with an accident? Put all of them in the memory.


Yes, my father had a couple of accidents after his retirement. I have to check out with him whether he had an accident when he was studying college and when he was working.

The funny thing was, in both the cases, I had resentment about the treatment of management and the accident helped to avoid going to the places I hate.


Heal all the memory of your sicknesses that helped you avoid going to work/school/college.

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