Posts tagged lethargy

Lift me from my limitations


I have son who’s 4 years now. I am a worried lot about him. He started talking very late and he’s very slow in studying. I teach him and he forgets next minute.

Every time we go to school they tell he’s very slow. I want my son to study well grasp quicker and be good human and disciplined child. I want him to get A+ in all his exams.


Chant “SLOW CARE 398” over a glass of water and give that water to him.

In addition, chant “LIFT KIND DIVINE LIGHT” 100 times over a glass of water and give to the child separately.


To lift him from his limitations: LIFT KIND DIVINE LIGHT (from SAVITRI)

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No words to express kindness of divine:

Struggling with lethargy and laziness:

Change the way of my son:

Ravi Kiran Ruchi Karan Paripooranan

Like Sun, Shine, and Stay at the Top

Ravi means Sun in Sanskrit.

This mantra heals Tamo Guna (type of characteristic or personality), which stands for laziness, lethargy, and procrastination.

For stability (of life) also, this mantra will work.

When you are not sure of the position in the office, or when you are afraid you will be transferred, this mantra will help.

To open one’s eyes of those who is going on wrong path, this mantra can be used.

This mantra is also for abundance. That is, it will stop the loss. Any loss making business if we keep chanting this mantra will help us to handle it.

I would not say loss would be wiped out completely but first loss will be stopped; then profitability would start coming. Business will also become stable soon after.

Question – When someone is going on wrong path, can we chant for the person – to open their eyes? Can we just say their name and chant this mantra for them?

Answer – Yes, that is right. That is all we can do. Or you can also chant over a glass of water and give it to that person. Any mantra can be chanted over a tumbler of water and given daily.

This mantra is based on Bhagavat Geeta, 16th chapter, 23rd Sloka. Though, in that, these words would not be there. To make one person to go on right path this is the mantra.

No Words to Express Kindness of Divine

Sandhya Varma

My grandson    who will soon be 3 years old was not speaking clearly.  My daughter took him to a therapist, who indicated that the child may be mildly Autistic.

Extremely worried I came and asked Naran for help.  He asked me to chant “LIFT KIND DIVINE”.

Hardly four days after, I started chanting. Soon after, the therapist changed her view and said he may be just a late talker. 

Amazingly, not only he started talking, but also compiling sentences, e.g., “Bye, see you, drive there”.

I am amazed and thankful to Naran for this turn of events.

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There will be no downfall:

Change the way of my son:

Struggling with lethargy and laziness:

Children to be OFF-TV

Not knowing the importance of studies, postponing it for the sake of TV/Computer games – SCLERANTHUS

Hooked on to TV, not bothered about anything else; not taking food at the right time, does not talk with others; lethargy; not interested in taking bath – WILD ROSE

They get over interested in TV/games, staying awake for a longer time; does not have “time” for studies; wrapped up out of over enthusiasm – VERVAIN

TV and Mobile games become a habit – WALNUT

The mind gets imprisoned with only one thought “TV/Games” – (gem remedy) CAT’S EYE

Unable to control the temptation – CHERRY PLUM

The above remedies suggested are Bach Flower Remedies. They are available both in Homeopathy shops and at the centre.

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