Posts tagged praying

Life is Wonderful When You Align with God Centre


In 3D scan, results were found as pregnancy seen in two well-defined halves of the uterus. Doctor said that both the corners of the fetus should not grow further.

These two corners are dangerous to the mother if it grow in those corners. It may puncture the uterus in that place, while growing.

Both or single fetus also should be in the center of the uterus as it is the correct place for pregnancy it seems.

Hence, doctors told us to wait for two more days, to see whether it will come on its own to the center of the uterus.

We were worried and were praying to God. We believe that with your guidelines and advice can save the pregnancy in a proper place, without any complications.


Write “OPEN SAVE ALIGN WITH CENTRE” for 108 times.

Chant – all of you including the pregnant woman – “PURUSHOTHAMA BHOOTHA BHAVANA, BUDESHA NAMO NAMAHA”.


Doctors told us that two fetus are good. Both have come to the safe place in the uterus.

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Why to chant when everything is destined


In the past, I have chanted, prayed a lot, with full faith in universal divine force.

But, I was always told you can’t change anything. What is going to happen will happen? Nobody can change anything.

I still have faith and trust. However, I always had a question in mind then why do we pray and chant the mantras if they are not going to bring positivity to the concerned situation?

Is it fear of something negative happening to us and our family, which brings us back again to chanting and praying?


You cannot always get what you want. Sometimes, you can get what you don’t want. These are two life rules, which we have to accept.

It is the mind which plays the game. If something does not happen, we wallow; if something happens, we elate. How long is this elation?

After some time, we need something else and again mental emotional drama begins.

It is because we attach importance to the result only and not to the action.

If the action is done, and the result is surrendered, you will remain peaceful always. Ultimately, what we want in life is either peace or happiness. To get happiness or peace is the aim of all.

Surrendering the result to the hands of Divine only can give you peace or happiness.  Chanting or healing, aims at changing the mind, to accept what is happening.

Best of luck!!

Maha Saraswathi – Rondeletia Orange


The Mother’s Message

Rondeletia flowers represent MAHA SARASWATHI’S perfection in works.


Who can be benefited with these flowers?

For those people who are careless and negligent in their work.

For students who are careless and negligent in their studies.

For those, who are hasty and impatient in whatever they do – For TYPE ‘A’ personalities.

For those who change jobs frequently.

For those do everything incomplete or half-done.

For those who lack concentration.

How to use it?

Keep the picture of flower on HARA and THROAT centers – 3 minutes at each center.

Keep the picture under the pillow.

Meditate on the flower praying, “Let Supreme Divine order of MAHASARASWATHI fill up all my expressions and actions.”

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Kidnap Rescue


Today I experienced one miracle. I want to share with you and other members.

I was writing “TOGETHER DIVINE” during lunch hour and I saw the scrolling in a TV that a 3-year old was kidnapped and parents lodged a complaint.

Looking at the scrolling I started chanting SWEET CHESTNUT and ROCK ROSE praying to protect the kid. Nothing else struck to my mind.

After 2 and half hours I saw the scrolling that the kidnappers left the boy in one place.

Thanks to the divine flowers! Thanks to Naran!! Thanks to the divine!!!


Very nice! You have chanted absolutely right. Guided well by the flowers! Best of Divine grace of all the flowers to you, your family and your friends!


Thank you very much!

As you said I am not the doer. I have been guided by you and the divine.

I remembered this combination as in such situation only divine grace can protect the child (SWEET CHESTNUT) and ROCK ROSE for the quick help (Naran has told this for quick help for rains).

Please note Sweet chestnut and Rock Rose are Bach Flower Remedies.

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