Posts tagged prescribed

Viral Conjunctivitis Problem Resolved


I have viral conjunctivitis since Friday and it is very troublesome…Please suggest a remedy for me.




Thank you for the remedy, the problem with my eyes is resolved.


Both Holly and Crab Apple are Bach flower remedies, while CLEAR and POINT are switch words.

HOLLY: is prescribed when a part of the body becomes inflamed (red.) Here the eyes become red after Conjunctivitis.

CRAB APPLE: is prescribed as it acts as a cleanser – both physical and mental. It is the base remedy for any type of skin diseases for the same reason.

CLEAR: to clear of obstructions (in this case inflammation)

POINT: is the switch word for eyesight. Anything to do with the eye, it has to be included as part of switch word combination.

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Don’t worry if there is no help

Sudarsan got himself hurt inside his bathroom. He couldn’t move in anyway. Luckily, he was carrying his mobile with him.

He sent a SMS to Naran, who suggested him to chant “WILD ROSE, WOLF”.

His mobile charge got over. However, he couldn’t get up and charge it, which means he can’t call anybody for help.

So, desperately he chanted the switch words suggested by Naran.

Meanwhile, his uncle and aunty who lived in the same city was wondering why their nephew hasn’t turned up for having breakfast. Usually, he will stay with them during the weekend.

So they drove to his house, found him in dire straits and took him to hospital.


A situation develops which is undesirable but inevitable. In this situation, one resigns to the situation, submits oneself passively, without knowing what to do.

Here Sudarsan couldn’t do anything about his lack of movement. So, the Bach Flower Remedy WILD ROSE was suggested.

For getting help the animal spirit guide WOLF was sought.

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How Bach Flower Remedies are prescribed:

Be a Smarty:

Handling side effects of medicines


Please advise Bach flower remedies to prevent side effects of allopathic tablets that I am taking for high BP, anxiety and depression as prescribed by my doctor?


Take the flower remedies CRAB APPLE and WALNUT.


The Bach Flower Remedy CRAB APPLE is a physical cleanser, and thus it will remove unwanted stuff from the body. The remedy WALNUT will help overcome the side effects.

The Flower BEECH (not suggested here) will correct the disorder created by drugs.

Saw a Shadow


Ram saw a shadow and thought it looks like his mother (illusion).

He listens to voices and then keeps telling others about it (delusion).

He tells his friend that he saw his mother and spoke to her and wants him also to believe that it is true (hallucination).

I gave him the Bach Flower Remedy WHITE CHESTNUT. I asked him to put 10 pills in a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day.

He was completely cured within 4 months of taking the pills.

So, White Chestnut can be prescribed for those having illusions, hallucinations and delusions.

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Fix your headache:

Tired of worrying about money:

Stop! Craving for food!!


Give the Bach Flower Remedy CHICORY, as greediness is expressed through food. Add it with ROCK WATER and CHERRY PLUM.

WALNUT should be taken separately.


Rock Water is prescribed for thinking, “I want to be strict with myself. I want to be self-disciplined”.

Cherry plum is for temptation and Chicory to come out of self-gratification (compensatory behavior).

Cherry Plum is added as they will feel, “I want to control my craving”.

Rock Water and Cherry plum go together, because if somebody says, “I want to control”, then they will lose their control”. 

Walnut is given to form a habit of eating properly.

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Reduce your sugar


Because the family has diabetes then we think we will get it too, which is a WILD ROSE state.

Thus, Wild Rose is the base remedy for diabetes because such persons say, “My father/mother has diabetes, so I too have it”.

The Bach Flower combination to be prescribed is: WILD ROSE + CRAB APPLE + OAK.

It will reduce sugar and will be especially helpful for diabetes wounds – unhealed wounds.

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An old boy was missing

A 24 year old boy, who went out of town on work, was missing for four days. There was no news from him or any sign of his whereabouts.

His parents were helpless, anxious and distraught. They came to Naran in desperation.

RED CHESTNUT was prescribed for the parents, and distance healing with ROCK ROSE and MUSTARD was done for the boy. This was done at 1 pm on the fourth day.

At 7 pm, CHESTNUT BUD was added. Continuous fervent prayers were made to these flowers.

At 10 pm, the boy was located.  His parents profusely gave thanks for the divine help.

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