
I am currently into Banking and working for an IT company.

I am unable to cope up the pressure and to understand a concept properly. I am also lacking confidence and interest.

I need help to have courage and work properly to achieve results and be happy.


You can take flower remedies MUSTARD, OAK, LARCH, CHESTNUT BUD and RESCUE REMEDY.

Take 2 pills of each three times a day. Take the pills one by one. Don’t touch by hands.

RESCUE REMEDY alone you put 10 pills in a water bottle and keep it in the office. Sip small quantity every one hour. You can take RESCUE REMEDY water in the night also before sleeping.


To understand the concept: MUSTARD

Not to struggle: OAK

To have confidence: LARCH

To learn faster: CHESTNUT BUD

To overcome tension: RESCUE REMEDY