Posts tagged question

Doing Well in the Examination Hall


During the examination, a student makes silly and careless mistakes. Probably due to lack of time, he is writing answers without any thinking.

While going through the question paper, he may find a question, for which he doesn’t know the answer.

He will become restless suddenly and will start writing the exam hastily. So his answers will tend to be wrong.

He may also go into a negative HORNBEAM state. Starting problem leads to mental weariness.

Immediately a crisis of confidence may occur – ELM.

A sudden regression may lead to sudden loss of memory – state of GENTIAN, and nothing seems to be remembered.

To avoid all these possible negative states in the examination hall, one can take the following flower remedies:

  • Impatiens: not to do anything in a hurry
  • Hornbeam: overcome mental weariness
  • Elm: overcome any sudden crisis of confidence
  • Gentian: prevents any regression and
  • Wild Rose: when you try to speed up doing something, your mind has to be calm. Wild rose gives that to you and will liven up your enthusiasm throughout the examination. Also, you will have plenty of time to complete the exam!

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Be with your feelings


Focus on the feeling, with Adi Mudra.

Say, “Yes, there is … (mention the feeling here, for example, a feeling of sadness)”

“I welcome this … (feeling)”. But, can I let go this feeling?

If you get the answer “yes”, then just say, “I let go of this … (feeling)”

Is the feeling is still there? Ask the mind, “Can I let go just 10% of the feeling?” If the answer is yes, then proceed further and let go another 10%.

Still you are unable to come out of stagnation.

Now, observe your thoughts.

Can I release this thought?

If the answer is yes then say, “I release … (thought)”

If the answer is “no”, then ask another question, “Is this thought useful to me?”

“No.” means you need to let go of the thoughts. Release all the thoughts one by one.

Find out which desire is behind the emotions.

Is it the desire to control or change the person or event, or the desire for approval or the desire to feel more secure? Ask the mind again.

If there is desire to control or change ask, “Can I release the desire to control?”

Yes means, “I accept my desire to control but I let go this desire to control”.

Is there any desire for approval? (Desiring for praise, recognition)

If yes means, “I just release this desire for approval.”

Is there any desire to feel more secure? or is there is any fear?

If yes means, “I release this desire to feel more secure; or i release my lack of trust ”

After some time, there will not be any feeling or thought. Peace dawns. Now take the required action. 

Read the final part of the article here:

Simple ways to meditate Part I


Meditation is an experience that nobody can teach you.

Neither can we go to deep into meditation suddenly as it’s a practice and a habit that is formed over a period of time.

Meditation means, to remain silent. Though, thoughts keep appearing.

If any thought is present then it’s not meditation. How to remain thoughtless though?

Remaining silent with releasing techniques

How to remain silent in spite of thoughts?

Mind can cling to picture or a mantra.

Do we have a mantra for silence? There is no mantra for silence.

However, there is a technique to create silence. The technique is as follows:

  • When a thought comes don’t resist it. Say inside you, ‘this is my thought’. Thus, you disassociate yourself from the thought.
  • Then ask the question to yourself, ‘Can I let go this thought?’ It will go. You can also say “release”. Then it will go.
  • Now, there will be at least a one second gap between thoughts. This is equivalent to one hour of meditation. In general, we never have a gap between thoughts. In general we might have ten thoughts in one second.
  • If you do not want the “let go” step, then form your own mantra or word. When we say that mantra, we create a gap between the thoughts.
  • When a thought comes, interrupt it with the mantra and you will become silent. When another thought comes, say the mantra. The silence in between the mantra is meditation.

Need for pranic and physical bodies to be in coordination

Our pranic body and physical body have to be in coordination. Otherwise, we can’t meditate.

If we regulate our breathing pattern or do pranayama then they will be in coordination.

This is because both breathing and prana have the same origin. When breathing is regulated, prana is regulated too.

Pranic body has to be clear of impurities

When the pranic body is clean, then the meditation can be done successfully.

Why so much impurities in the pranic field?

It’s due to the mind. My own sadness and worries create these impurities. With the help of pranayama, one can clean these impurities.

Read the second part of the article here:

Your Agenda Vs Divine Agenda


Suri walked into my office with a dejected face. He was worried that he is in trouble, for he hasn’t achieved last month’s sales target due to his own personal commitments.

He is worried that his manager will blast him during their next monthly meeting.

I said his worry is based on his own agenda, while the divine’s agenda might be different, He thinks his manager would question about the dip in sales, while divine mayn’t make the manger raise the topic at all.

Instead of expecting to have problem and keeps on worrying about it, he is overriding the divine agenda and mentally forcing the manager to bring the subject.

So, I asked him to stop thinking about the subject, and prepare his usual monthly report that he normally prepares for the monthly meeting.

I also suggested him to chant the names of the Bach Flower remedies, “ELM, OAK, CHESTNUT BUD”.

I gave Elm and Oak to be ready for any unexpected questions and Chestnut Bud not to repeat the mistake once again.

The monthly meeting happened. His boss never even mentioned about the sale’s target and moved onto other issues.

Let us be silent and allow divine to work its agenda.

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How to improve one’s health?

Question: Can you please suggest which story to listen to improve one’s health?


Physical health is not separate from mental health.

If one can keep oneself stress-free, it will reflect physically also.

How does our worry, tension, or constant thinking of our physical problem affect the body?

Read the role of oxygen in the article mentioned below, in maintaining one’s own health.

Keep yourself mentally healthy. You will keep good health.

If one has a recurring problem, one has to come out of it mentally. Suffering will come down.

Read the stories that give you peace of mind.

Refer the article, “How to Avoid Getting Cancer”:

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I have gone through your blogs. Lalitham mantras are fantastic and working well.

My family’s deity is Lord Muruga. For this can I chant “LALITHAM SUBRAMANYAM LALITHAM KUMAARAM LALITHAM SHANMUGAM”?

M has the power to go in easily, which I read it from your site only. Hence, this idea has aroused to me. Please clarify.


Your coining is wonderful. I think Lord Muruga is suggesting this through your question.

Whenever we want to have anything for us, we also should think in what way it can be useful for others. Through your coining of words, I am asked by the divine to explain.

Lalitham makes us always secured. Kumaaram protects us like Mother. In other words, when our mother is there beside us, we feel safe; we are confident; we are assured to get what we need (it is not “what we want”).

The one beauty with this combination is that you can chant this at anytime and surrender intending “He knows when to fulfill anything (for me) at the right time”.

Shanmugam is strengthening our link with the Mother Earth.

“GAM” is for steady abundance.

When it is coined with “Sha” your receiving capacity will increase. 

“SUBRAMANYAM” (don’t say Maniam, but say Manyam) acts both on our Manipura and Heart chakras, releasing our ego and replacing it with Love.

When all the three “LALITHAM SUBRAMANYAM LALITHAM KUMAARAM LALITHAM SHANMUGAM” is chanted what will happen?

You will get the feeling that you are the child of God. What else we need in this life?

Best of luck

Changes begins from us

Question: What is a Rogue husband? Do we refer to infidelity or incompatibility or uncaring?


It means all.

It is her view. We don’t know whether a person is a rogue or not.

However, the healing is always given to a person who makes a complaint about the other. As a healer, we assess the mental state (of the person complaining) and give the remedies.

Question: Is it possible for a man who has led a wayward life since his teens change into a good man with the help of remedies?


Anybody can change into a better person, provided he wants to.

However, the healing is always aimed at the self.

If you are putting up with a person, who is wayward, you have to change yourself. Heal your emotions; heal your reactions; heal your way of thinking.

If you are able to change effect in yourself, by taking the appropriate remedies, the opposite person will change.

In any relationship, one has to change to see the change in the other. This is the rule.

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R Mohan

Five years back you told me that we invite people who mirror us. Specifically you said the people around me are in PINE state (low self-esteem, guilty), because I am in the same state.

Recently I observed, I create a scare in the people around me (MIMULUS). So I chanted MIMULUS and the opposite states (the opposite person who will create Mimulus) of it – HOLLY and VINE.

Immediately, I felt very happy. My question to you is, how did MIMULUS make me happy?


The positive aspect of Mimulus is sympathy. That’s why I suggested Mimulus. The Holly and Vine persons will kindle fear in others. By taking Mimulus, you turn the Holly, loving and sympathetic.

In the same way, when you chanted Mimulus, you become sympathetic to the different parts inside yourself namely, the part of HOLLY and the part of VINE. So, in turn you felt relieved and happy.

Several years back, I suggested you to take Mimulus when you were fearful to buy a property. The same fear is still inside you, which is normal.

Just take MIMULUS for the next few days, to be sympathetic, which comes from higher state of love that believes in co-existence.

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Give ROCK WATER and WILLOW to your baby 2 doses of 2 pills each.


Not eating is Self-denial: Rock Water

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Ravi Kiran Ruchi Karan Paripooranan

Like Sun, Shine, and Stay at the Top

Ravi means Sun in Sanskrit.

This mantra heals Tamo Guna (type of characteristic or personality), which stands for laziness, lethargy, and procrastination.

For stability (of life) also, this mantra will work.

When you are not sure of the position in the office, or when you are afraid you will be transferred, this mantra will help.

To open one’s eyes of those who is going on wrong path, this mantra can be used.

This mantra is also for abundance. That is, it will stop the loss. Any loss making business if we keep chanting this mantra will help us to handle it.

I would not say loss would be wiped out completely but first loss will be stopped; then profitability would start coming. Business will also become stable soon after.

Question – When someone is going on wrong path, can we chant for the person – to open their eyes? Can we just say their name and chant this mantra for them?

Answer – Yes, that is right. That is all we can do. Or you can also chant over a glass of water and give it to that person. Any mantra can be chanted over a tumbler of water and given daily.

This mantra is based on Bhagavat Geeta, 16th chapter, 23rd Sloka. Though, in that, these words would not be there. To make one person to go on right path this is the mantra.

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