Posts tagged questions



The Bach Flower Remedy Vine

Key words

Dominating, Ruthless, Ambitious, Totally Arrogant


If you don’t know how to be a servant, you will always be bossed over


  • A Vine boss would claim, “I have absolute control over my staff”.
  • You ask some questions to your boss, about the institution you are working for. Your Vine Boss would reply, “Don’t ask me any questions. Do what I say”.
  • People become fearful, when they come.
  • Ruthlessly disregard others
  • Vine will have his way at any cost.
  • Ruthlessly disregards the opinion of others.
  • Everybody should dance to his tunes.
  • The Vine person is cruel, pitiless without conscience.  He will instil fear in others.
  • Can’t tolerate anyone contradicting him.
  • He beats others.
  • Vine father will develop fear in his child.  The means justifies the end.
  • When you find it difficult to obey others
  • A Vine child will not obey.

Vine says…

  • I am the ruler. You are the ruled.
  • I can question anybody in authority and shake them.
  • I impose my opinion on my children. My word is final for them.
  • I keep my employees on their toes.
  • I will accept what my superior say but with my subordinates, I impose my will.
  • Others say that I impose my will and go into rage when contradicted


  • For any crisis situations, as it gives you a good presence of mind and tremendous will power to handle the crisis. Of course, take it only when there is a crisis.
  • You are a man to be looked up to when there is a crisis, and a helping hand in crisis.
  • At work when you are promoted and asked to lead others à Vine + Walnut for a month.
  • To handle a dominant partner and in-laws, who squeeze too much of joy out of your life take à Centaury + Vine + Hornbeam. In these situations, you need to ask the questions: how to manage your life? How can you come out of this predicament? Whether you can come out? If you have the question how to initiate the process, then take à Cerato + Vine + Hornbeam + Centaury + Walnut.
  • To manage arrogant and adamant children à Cerato + Centaury + Vine + Hornbeam + Walnut
  • Your purpose in life is to lead others
  • To use your presence of mind.
  • Vine, Cherry Plum: I am becoming violent in my temper


  • Multiple sclerosis – Vine. Patches of degeneration in the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Anorexia – Rock water + Vine
  • Sclerosis: (Sclerosis) the hardening of any part from the growth of fibrous tissues.
  • Athero astero sclerosis: the hardening of arteries (elasticity is lost)
  • Symptoms: disturbance of speech, vision and micturition and muscular weakness of limbs.
  • Might be affected by passive – aggressive personality disorder, disruptive behaviour, disorders, especially conduct disorders and anti – social disorders.

Converting unwanted to wanted


Ram had problems with his brother Sundar, for the last 15 years, after his brother had cheated him to the tune of 1 crore of rupees.

While Ram was suffering like anything, Sundar was doing well by all means. Sundar’s business was growing leaps and bounds. He could get his children married easily and so on.

On the contrary, Ram was struggling financially. All his attempts to get his daughter married proved futile.

For last six years, I was giving several healing techniques to Ram. He was following them judiciously. Over the course of the time, he could get his money back from Sundar. Though, he could never release his anger for him.

He came to see me last week in regards to his daughter’s marriage. There were two prospects, but neither of them is committing for the marriage proposal.

I asked him to do the following technique based on the fact that he is jealous of the progress of his brother.

I asked him to close his eyes. Then visualize his house in a screen in front of him and mark the place and then his brother’s house in the same screen. He had to move his house slowly towards his brother‘s house to merge both.

He did this for a few days. One of the two prospects agreed to marry his daughter.

I know, you will have some questions

How can I use this technique when I am single and have to do this technique to attract a suitable girl into my love-life?

You will know somebody who can attract himself a girl-friend or bride. Visualize yourself, shifting yourself into him. This way you are developing in you the capacity he has.

I don’t want to become like him, as he some bad aspects about him

He might have other qualities which you don’t like. Don’t worry as you are only intending for the capacity you lack, which you want to develop in yourself.

Other example could be…

You have a prospective customer as well as a customer who doesn’t respond to your sales call at all. Move your unresponsive client into responding client and this way you will be able to convert him into a prospective customer.

Related Blogs

NLP for accepting a bad relationship:

How to become happy:

Can’t think of him as my husband:

Fear manifests what we do not want


There is always a saying that marriages are made in heaven. Is that true?

And if so then why there is negativity like divorce, extramarital, and even more than that?

I am very much afraid of this issue as it’s a lifelong decision and relationship.

Is there any switch word which all can chant to have a successful, happy and respected marital life either love or arranged.

Any switch words that can keep harmony not only in couple but also between two families because sometimes we see that due to family distances, fights arise.

And also anything after which there should not be any regression about marriage decision?

I know you are the only one who can clear my questions and hope so many people wants know it.


Fear is hallucination.

Fearing about something is happening in the mind only.

The mind is unable to perceive the future and therefore indulges in thoughts that produce fear.

Instead of becoming inquisitive, the mind pushes you in fear or in darkness.

What is this fear? Fear manifests the very same event which we do not want.

Understand that every emotion has got individual consciousness.

Fear is born because future is unknown. Anything unknown is darkness. Darkness – fear – will be no more, when there is light.

When the fear appears, think that it needs light. Say, “Fear SET FREE, OPEN, ALIGN yourself with the LIGHT and RELAX me.”

Read again and again all the answers and blog postings and meditate on each and every answer.

You will know everything that you need to know.

Too much of thoughts – unwanted thoughts – obsess you and you have forgotten to listen. Listening happens when we become silent and Truth will reveal itself when we introspect.

It is not my reply but your understanding is more important.

How and why we need to forgive others

For more detailed explanation on Why we need to forgive others and How to forgive others, please refer the book: “Forgiveness How and Why”, written by Naran S. Balakumar.


I have a problem letting go or forgiving people. Is there any switch word for it?


If you don’t do the forgiving exercise, you will undergo same emotions, even though situations may be different.

If you do not want to meet or interact with same people in future, Forgiving is the only way.

There is no shortcut for letting go the resentment and anger.

Do not act from ego; have higher perception and think that every event in our life is happening as per our desire. Before taking the birth, I want this life with these people to mend my life. But unfortunately after taking birth, we forget our commitment.  When the situation is created as per our desire, instead of learning lessons and moving forward, we get stuck and we refuse to forget or forgive.

What is the one that prevents you from forgiving? Release that and do it.

I Jay forgive you —–(name of the person). You please forgive me and release me. This can be done mechanically without the involvement of the heart.


Do I just have to fill the name or action that upsets me?


 “I Jay forgive you —–(name of the person). You please forgive me and release me”.

Take a person with whom you are angry. Insert his or her name in the space given above. Chant the same for 200 times a day.

Forgiving Exercise

Affirm, “I (your name) Robert forgive you Ashok (replace with name of the person to be forgiven). You please forgive me and release me”.

Questions regarding Forgiveness Exercise


I have two queries related to Forgiving exercise.

I have too many people to forgive in my life, so please guide me how to forgive them with once for all.

I see my husband is having so much resentment in his life with so many people but he doesn’t try to do any of the exercise to forgive and forget. So is there anything I can do on behalf of him, as it’s affecting my life all the time.


Take a list of all of them. Do the forgiving for all. Take one at a time. Chant 200 times for each.

You cannot do anything for somebody’s sake. What is your predominant thought or emotion when you deal with him? Release that one by one. If one goes, another will come. Release that also.

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