Posts tagged rescue

Wolf opened the door for me


Last week, one late evening, I went out for shopping, leaving my 10 year old son at home. My husband was out of station. I asked my son to lock the main door and sleep.

It was only when I returned that I realized that I hadn’t taken my home key.

I tried calling landline, his mobile and calling bell continuously for 45 min, but my son didn’t wake up at all. The battery in the calling bell was gone due to continuous usage.

My neighbors came to help me. We tried breaking the lock but it didn’t work out.

Suddenly, I remembered reading in your blog that in such situations wolf will comes to rescue. The idea of calling an animal spirit has always been a bit scary for me.

But getting experimental, I started calling wolf for help, to wake up my son to open the door.

For 3 min with my heart and soul, I begged for wolf’s help. After 3 min, I also chanted “OM GAM GANAPATHAYAE NAMAHA” for 2 to 3 min.

Suddenly, to the amazement of everyone, my son picked up his mobile and opened the door.

I thanked wolf whole-heartedly.

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Kidnap Rescue


Today I experienced one miracle. I want to share with you and other members.

I was writing “TOGETHER DIVINE” during lunch hour and I saw the scrolling in a TV that a 3-year old was kidnapped and parents lodged a complaint.

Looking at the scrolling I started chanting SWEET CHESTNUT and ROCK ROSE praying to protect the kid. Nothing else struck to my mind.

After 2 and half hours I saw the scrolling that the kidnappers left the boy in one place.

Thanks to the divine flowers! Thanks to Naran!! Thanks to the divine!!!


Very nice! You have chanted absolutely right. Guided well by the flowers! Best of Divine grace of all the flowers to you, your family and your friends!


Thank you very much!

As you said I am not the doer. I have been guided by you and the divine.

I remembered this combination as in such situation only divine grace can protect the child (SWEET CHESTNUT) and ROCK ROSE for the quick help (Naran has told this for quick help for rains).

Please note Sweet chestnut and Rock Rose are Bach Flower Remedies.

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