Posts tagged subjects

Exam results are great


I am chanting for my son Ambika Mantra and I used the circle technique for him, for the exam.

Exam results are great, with good score, 7 A’s for all the subjects.

I did the same for my daughter. Her score is average, as I can see she didn’t prepare with 100%. She feel restless and laziness. She always complains lazy to go to school.

What should I do for her to do better for the Midterm exam, which will be tougher?


Write “398” and keep it under her pillow.

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Mum tell me what to do


Shyla found that her son is not studying irrespective of several complaints from his teachers and after getting bad scores in his exams.

She took a colored Xerox of the Power Life Symbol 2-SLOW-CARE and wrote her son’s name in the blank circle. She carried the paper in her purse.

Now and then, she chanted the switch words, “SLOW CARE”, while looking at the symbol and thinking about her child.

After a few days, one fine morning, he approached her and asked her, what homework he had to do and what subjects he had to study for the day.

She was totally surprised about his change in behavior. He is continuing to be responsible like this for the last one week.

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