Posts tagged three

A miracle is ready to happen

S Malini

I was writing angel number 520 prior to election. 

One person came to my house and gave three election identity cards of myself and my family members saying that ward counsellor had sent those cards to me. 

I was very happy to receive the same since I had to take leave or permission from my office to collect these cards.  The same ward counsellor denied getting these cards when I requested him.

This is a good miracle (1st time I wrote 520).

By writing 520 what is needed for us happens and we should not worry for the same.  Just keeping faith on these angel numbers will work well.


How the angel number 520 has helped Malini? Who will deliver the voter identity cards (these days)? They would have kept with them and cast the bogus votes!

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Love breaks all the hurdles


He got to say yes to the girl as his mother has decided. He knows, I respect his care for his mother, and will not say anything against it.

His engagement ceremony is going to happen in another 3 days. He too loves me a lot and suffering a lot because of this situation. There should be a way to come out of this situation and stop this engagement.

Please guide and bless me, so that both our families will accept our relationship.


Love should break all the hurdles, if it is true.



I can understand there are lots of facts happening in life, which we may feel are wrong. But that can be the Great Lords will, so it should not be questioned too.

May be it’s my destiny, which will decide about me. But, how many times should I need to bend in front of my destiny.

I am feeling really low with these incidents in my life. Earlier I had taken my step back, when it was about my career, and now it’s about my life partner.

Still, I am not succeeded on any part of my life at age of 32!! I have failed over and over again.

I have always been good to people. So why should not I expect the same from my life.


“How many times should I need to bend” is a statement which exposes your anger and resentment at destiny.

A person if voluntarily bends and does the work will not complain.

Take the flower remedies CENTAURY, WILLOW, LARCH and PINE to overcome this feeling, three pills each, and one after the other, for three times a day.


Weak-willed and not assertive enough: CENTUARY

Anger and Resentment: WILLOW

Failure mentality: LARCH

Feeling low: PINE

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Solution to get back money given to others


I run a naturopath in UK. Could you please advise me about Bach flower remedy for getting the money back, which we had given to others.


  1. Take CENTAURY, CHICORY, ROCK WATER and CHESTNUT BUD, 3 pills each three times a day.
  2. Take MUSTARD + AVENTURINE separately one dose in the morning and one dose in the night.


When the other person says, “I will give the money tomorrow or later”, he is not in a position to resist him and say anything against what he says. He cannot antagonize him at any point of time. Such a person needs CENTAURY.

Now you wanted the money back (CHICORY). They dodge paying you (CHESTNUT BUD). The opposite person to such a person will be a ROCK WATER person.

To find a solution to this problem: MUSTARD.

The gem remedy AVENTURINE activates the heart center. It is available at the Centre.

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Exercises for Program Your Life

Read the 1st part of the article here:

Read the 2nd part of the article here:


For the following imaginary life situations do the releasing techniques mentioned in the articles referred above:

  1. Power cut, when you are having your dinner.
  2. When you leave the house to drive to Airport, you realize your car key is missing.
  3. You are a branch manager of a bank; gave a loan believing that the client would submit the document the next day. For the next three days, he didn’t.
  4. You are invited to lecture on a topic. You prepared well and delivered it. After the event, many in the audience said that they knew the stuff already.
  5. Feelings and thoughts about an unreasonable spouse/co-worker/servant
  6. When a cop demands the driving license, you proudly showed it. The cop retorted, “What is this! You are showing an expired license!”
  7. You have ordered for a takeaway. Friends have arrived, but not the dinner. The caterer phone switched off.

We are not excited about each other


It has been 2 years & 6 months since I got married.  Problem is conceiving a baby.  We are trying from past 1 year but we are not able to have. 

One more thing we are becoming a bit lazy in sexual matters.  We have noticed that in a month of 30 days we involve in sex for only 2 or 3 times, which is really bad on our part.

We actually realize this thing. And want to improve.  Please help us out.  I just want to conceive & deliver a baby.


If you are having two or three times, have it ten days after menstruation is over.

Hang a picture of RABBIT in the bedroom. Hang a picture of PIGEON in the dining hall.

You can chant “SWEETCHESTNUT, WALNUT, HORNBEAM” any number of time while retiring to bed.

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Heal Your Heart Chakra


Our life is ruled by three chakras – Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Yet, beyond them, we manage to express our love. We get close to people. We offer our thanks to all. All that because of one chakra and that is the Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra is the fourth in line. It’s closer to Solar Plexus Chakra. On the chest, from breast draw a line. That’s the point where Heart Chakra is situated.

It is responsible for creation of heart and blood circulation.

It’s the reservoir of love. This chakra is reflected when we experience joy and enthusiasm with our friends and relatives.

If love is there, hate will be there too. If hate is filled in a place, then it’s a hell. Love is heaven and it increases our prana.

Heart chakra is mentally connected with love.

When you desire to make profits out of relationships (or anything for that matter with selfish intentions), we lose energy in this chakra.

If there is a relationship without a love, then it’s of no use, says the Heart Chakra.

We love our children and parents. We love somebody and hate somebody.

Hatred and sadness decreases energy and then we feel we can’t love anybody. We fight at office. When we come home, we should show love. Instead we fight.

If there is less energy in heart, we feel there is no love in life. We feel sad and think that nobody is there for us. With Heart Chakra, we need to love. Otherwise, we will deplete it!

Even if nobody loves you, love god, yourself, others and the world is the message from Reiki. If we GO for love, then the energy level of Heart Chakra expands and balances it.

When we get imbalanced due to Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras, then the energy level in those chakras shrink. But in the case of Heart Chakra, it’s never gets overfull. It can expand to any level.

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The lower three chakras rule us

We have seven chakras. However, we are acting from the first three chakras, namely BASIC/ROOT CHAKRA, SWADHISTANA CHAKRA and SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA.

“I am seeking myself to maintain myself, seeking pleasure, seeking to possess, stick to confirmed events” would be our ruling behavior as long we live out of these three chakras.

However we should live out of Anahata chakra

Then what I need will never end.

Why my needs are never ending? Because what I get never satisfies me.

ANAHATA CHAKRA (Heart Chakra) is the one that changes these chakras. Only through Anahata chakra we learn to give.

Who will win eventually – all the three lower chakras or one Anahata chakra?

Sadly, success of Anahata chakra is short-lived

Obviously the three chakras will win. But even if Anahata wins how it comes down again? Let us see.

Giving and sharing are the qualities of Anahata. But now and then Solar Plexus calls Anahata, and tells that ‘You are giving liberally. That’s very good’.

The moment it tells like that, ego sets in. When “ego” predominates, giving is denied.

You are not the doer, but the divine is

The quarrel of these four chakras is watched by VISUDHI that is THROAT CHAKRA.

Visudhi means purification. The Visudhi tells the other chakras, you are not the doer, and if you let go the thinking that I am the doer, you will become very good.

When ‘I am not the doer’ thinking comes to you, there will be surrender mentality. All your thoughts will be purified; your love will be refined; then you will accept whatever happens in your life.

Purification of Chakras

Which mantra purifies all these chakras? That is the mantra:





Eight times we are chanting HARE, every time you chant the mantra. When you chant HARE, your selfishness will go, and self-centeredness is removed.

When you chant RAMA, arrogance is removed, and the “I” goes off. As long as you are healthy we will not let go the “I”.

“KRU” means adaptability. We can go up and down in life, but wherever we go we have to be happy. For that “KRU” will help.

SHNA means let go of everything daily. Only when you let go you will be adaptable/flexible. If you are flexible means there is no arrogance.

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Profit after Loss


One of my clients lost 10 sovereigns of gold. I asked them to chant “LALITHAM SRIDHARAM LALITHAM BASKARAM LALITHAM BALACHANDRAM”.

This set of three mantras is given for clearing the debts. 

He was given flower remedies also.

Whenever we lose something, we will start cursing several people including the cops, saying they are crooks. For resentment and anger I asked him to chant the ‘I am sorry mantra’ too.

I also gave him the Power Life symbol ‘Profit after Loss’ given in the manual. This symbol is for anything that is lost. The symbols given in the Abundance Manual are new and they are not part of the original set of Power Life Symbols.

Soon after, he got back the 10 sovereigns from the cops.

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Get re-united


My fiancé broke up with me for no fault of mine. It has really hurt me in all ways. I would like him to get back with me and marry me, and we are content and happy with each other.


Be in the following mudra for 15 minutes: (both hands) thumb touching the first three fingers. The little finger is not touched; it is kept away. Be in this mudra and chant “CHANGE DIVINE ORDER”

After15 minutes, let the right hand touch little and ring fingers and the left hand touch the middle finger and ring finger. Be in this mudra for 15 more minutes and chant “THANKS TOGETHER DIVINE”.


The first one will help one move out of his place.

The second one will unite the two, since it will balance one’s own male and female energy.

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Don’t fell trees! They are our blessings!!

We have left one of our flats for rents. It has one mango tree and another one a coconut tree. In the past, the coconuts have fallen down and broke the windows, thought nobody got hurt. We are worried now that it may hurt the tenant.

We are wondering whether to cut the trees or to put a shed. If we put the shed, then there will be less visibility and air. However, we don’t want the cut the trees, which had been there with us for more than 35 years.


Trees are our life. It provides not just air, but keeps the ground in one place, providing stability of land. Because, so much trees are felled these days, we get earth quakes, Tsunamis and floods as nature is trying to correct the imbalances created by human beings.

In addition, never a coconut will fall directly over a human being, while the dried trunks might fall on us. Arrange a person to remove these trunks once in three months or so.

Trees are our blessings from god. Don’t fell it.

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