Pregnancy Care

How to avoid negative effects on parents due to child birth


I am now 5 months pregnant. Obviously my baby will be born in Chithirai month (April-Month).

However, everyone around me is telling me that if I give birth to a child during the month of Chithirai means it will affect baby’s dad as well as negative incidents will affect me.

So pls suggest a remedy to avoid this problem. Also, my baby should be healthy and not be affected by this.

Naran S Balakumar

Absolutely not!


Complications during the 9th month of pregnancy

The following was discussed during the workshop conducted at Kancheepuram, 2016


Naran S Balakumar

Pregnancy is for nine months.

For some pregnancies, there could be complications during the 9th month. In the ninth month, the head of the fetus may not turn down or the child can be entangled in the umbilical cord etc.

What is the reason behind these complications?

It is our desires and fears.

One fear is that the child should be born at the right time. So people try to do Caesarian based on dates and stars.

Our knowledge of astrology is superficial.

When we tell the doctors that the child should be born on a specific date based on a certain star, the child inside the womb is mentally disturbed and it won’t like to come out of the womb because the time of birth has been fixed.

Moreover, we also don’t know whether the time we have fixed is a correct time.

Pregnancy without Pain but with Gain

9th month of pregnancy is an important time. At the time of the birth, devas and our ancestors are witnessing the delivery of birth.

So, we need the blessings of our ancestors. To get the blessings of the ancestors, chant the Shankarraya mantra as many times as possible.

To give birth to a child is a wonderful experience.

However, women are worried about managing labor pain and so they prefer a painless delivery. We also need the safety of both the child and the mother.

What if they could enjoy the pregnancy without any unbearable pains? The Shankarraya mantra could give that experience to them.

Going beyond the pain, the mothers will enjoy the whole experience.

How to avoid delivering a breech baby?

Naran S Balakumar


This Warrior Prince Arjuna called Lord Krishna so. It is taken from Bhagavat Gita Sloka 15, of Chapter 10. These are the words used by Arjuna to praise Lord Krishna.

‘Bhootha Bhavana’ was also mentioned in Vishnu Sahsaranamam. It means ‘He is the nourisher of life’ – the one who gives life.

‘Purushothama’ means he is the creator of life and ‘Bhoothesha’ means he is the protector of life.

That’s why this mantra is very important for pregnant women to develop the fetus well and to complete the delivery in time. One can also avoid delivering a breech baby.

Few complications are developed during pregnancy. The pregnant woman will go through lot of suffering. She will be confused whether to take medicines or not.

This Purushothama Mantra will protect the fetus as well as help it to develop fully. You will not give birth to children with mental retardation.

Refer the post to know the background of the story where Arjuna calls Krishna with the words mentioned above:

Can I influence time of my child’s birth?

Naran S Balakumar

In the case of child birth, everything is determined by genetics and Time.

Do not bother about Ragu, Kethu and all such things. Do the Pariharam – cure (to appease the planets), but chant the mantra.

Nowadays, I have found that there is another problem in the case of child delivery. Some people want me to give the right date and time for child birth, so that at that date and time, they will do Caesarian.

How can it happen?

For any birth, it is the Lagnam (point of the zodiacal belt that coincides with the position of the horizon at the time of birth, for a given place of birth) that is very very important for the time of birth.

That’s not in your hands.

So during the ninth month, the pregnant woman and her family members can chant this mantra. If this mantra is chanted then the child will be born at the right time, at good time, and with good Lagna.

Births of Krishna and Indirajit

Before the birth of Krishna, the planets asked him “In which of the places we have to be positioned”. Krishna replied to them, “Be as you are. I know how to transcend you”.

Whenever I get phone calls from people asking my advice to do caesarian at a particular time, I am reminded of a story in Ramayana, which happened before Ramayana.

When Indirajit – brother of Ravana, was about to be born, Ravana wanted all the planets to be in a particular place. He commanded them to do so.

As per the to-be-born horoscope, the ****** has to be in the 11th place.

Just two seconds before the birth, the Shani (******) kept its leg on the 12th place, ignoring the command of Ravana, and because of that Indirajit met his fate at the hands of Lakshmana.

Because ****** ignored his command, Ravana chopped its leg. That’s why it has a slow movement. For each Rasi (sign), it takes about 2.5 years to complete the cycle.

You can control all planet but not ******, because he is the son of Time. Only thing you can do is to prostrate to time.

Chant the mantras as mentioned in the article:

Pregnancy Mantras – Free Mantra Chanting 2016

0-3 Months of Pregnancy


The released ovum waits for only one day. But, the sperm remains there for seven days.

Lalitham Srinivasam helps for fruitful conjugation, Lalitham Padmanabham helps in formation of fetus, and Lalitham Damodaram helps in the growth of fetus for three months.

Up to three months you have to be careful, and up to three months you are not sure.

The first three months of pregnancy is taken care of these three mantras, “Lalitham Srinivasam, Lalitham Padmanabham, Lalitham Damodaram”.

3-6 Months of Pregnancy

From three to six months of pregnancy, you need the mantra, “KAALA HANDRI SARVA VYATHI PRASHAMANI, KAALA HANDRI SARVA MRUTHYU NIVARANI”

KAALA HANDRI – kills the time or stops the time

The effect of this mantra is the to-born child will never have untimely death or unnatural death.

This period of 3 to 6 months is very crucial period, where due to this mantra, even the karma is healed.

This mantra removes physical and mental suffering for all of us. So, anybody can chant this mantra. It also protects us from untimely and unnatural consequences.

6-9 Months of Pregnancy and up to one year after birth


As per original Mahabharata, Parikshit was a still-born baby, in spite of having the protection of Krishna.

In fact, because of the Bruhmaastra – a destructive weapon, Krishna knew that entire Pandavas race will be annihilated. By saving Parikshit, he stopped it from happening.

When Parikshit was delivered, Krishna was in the delivery room. He was shocked to find the still-born child.

He prayed to the Universe, “Throughout my life, had I remained as a Brahmachari (celibate), and had I not uttered a single lie then let this child be alive”.

Immediately, the child came to life.

Krishna is the BOOTHA BHAVANA and he will save all our children wherever they are. Just remember the story.

Vomiting during pregnancy

Naran S Balakumar


The daughter-law of a student of Naran lives in US.

The lady followed the circle method. In the inner circle wrote her daughter-in-law and in the outer circle SCLERANTHUS.

It healed the daughter-in-law.

If you have trust and faith in Bach flowers, it will work wonders. Nature is ready to helps us in the form of flowers. This is one of the multiple ways to heal.

No Baby No Cry


By chanting regularly “CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” for the past whole week, my baby stopped crying incessantly.

Naran S. Balakumar

Switch WordsChange Divine Order” can also be used for the post-war situation in Sri Lanka, racist attitudes in Australia and when the body is recovering from a long-time disease.

These Switch Words brings peace and harmony within us as well as outside us.

Painless pregnancy – a case history

Naran S Balakumar


These days when people prefer Caesarean delivery, there are some who prefer natural delivery.

When I was thinking about this mantra one year back, I was at Gurgaon. I was chanting this mantra within myself.

I received a phone call from a lady. She said she is supposed to deliver on June 29th 2015 and expected me to give her a mantra for same.

As I was chanting this Shivatharaaya mantra, I gave it to her so that she can have happiness. Why?

During the delivery, the child weeps, while the mother is happy – the happiness of delivering the child, listening to the weeping of the child and becoming happy.

This feeling only a mother can feel and not the males. Words cannot describe that happiness. So, I thought this mantra will help her for delivery also and gave it to her.

She was chanting like a mad person and the scheduled delivery date was over, yet, she didn’t have any pain at all.

So the doctor advised her to get herself admitted, for the pain can be induced. That’s what every gynecologist says.

She got admitted in an ICU. Around her, there were expecting mothers like her, who were screaming in pain.

However, she was chanting this mantra furiously and didn’t feel any pain at all.

The doctor came, woke her up and reminded her that she is delivering a child. The doctor exclaimed, open your eyes and without pain you are delivering a child.

That’s the power of this mantra. At that time of delivery, all your ancestors will come around. All along, by chanting the mantra, she was taking the blessings of her ancestors.

Shiva is the only person who makes others happy by chanting just ‘Shiva’.

Transformation will take place only because of Shiva mantra.

It releases all the unknown blocks, unknown complications developed during pregnancy and delivery, and all such things can be easily healed by this mantra.

Miraculous results after delivering a pre-mature baby


I underwent C-section surgery and delivered a baby girl on August 9th, after 35 weeks of pregnancy.

I and my baby were set apart in ICU and Naran gave us to chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, THANKS DIVINE ORDER”

I chanted with faith which gave me miraculous result within two days.  After chanting this mantra, we were discharged very soon. 

Currently, I am adding WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD combination in water used for cleaning my baby.

For pre-term baby’s growth as she is currently weighing only 2 kg, there is a need to gain weight as well. I also need to overcome the effects of C-section surgery and increase milk supply as well. 

So, I tried chanting “OM VUM NAMAHA, OM LUM NAMAHA” mantra. It gave me good results.


Why should I feed my child

Naran S Balakumar

A lady has stopped giving breast milk to her 6-month old child.

Her reasoning was “Before marriage I was going for work. But, after the birth of my child, I had to resign my job. Why should I resign my job? Am I the only person responsible? The child belongs to my husband also, who hasn’t left the job”.

This resulted in conflicts inside the family. So, her husband consulted me – so that his wife will give mother’s milk to their child.

I gave her a combination of Bach flower remedies – WILLOW (for aversion towards the child and CHERRY PLUM (for misplaced anger).

Pigeon photo was pasted on the photograph of the wife.

Within two months, she changed her mind.

The need of the hour is the mother’s quality, for she has to take the role of the mother during the next two years. She can always get a job later.

Using Animal Remedies

Using Animal remedies is very easy. Call the animal remedy or chant the name of the animal remedy few times, in times of problem.

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